Sell on eBay

Lucky Dog Animal Rescue is now registered with eBay Giving Works!

EbayIf you sell on eBay, you can be a fundraiser for Lucky Dog!  Each time you list an item, you can choose to donate all or part of the final sale price to Lucky Dog.   And because your listing will feature a banner with information about Lucky Dog and our mission, you will be advertising our organization to eBay surfers who can donate directly through the eBay Giving Works page.  eBay will reward your generosity by crediting back Insertion and Final Value Fees by the same percentage you pledged from the sale.  And best of all, eBay and their partner, Mission Fish, will collect and distribute the donation, issue tax receipts and keep you and Lucky Dog informed along the way.

It is this easy:

  1. Click the Sell button at the top of any eBay page to get to the Sell Your Item form.
  2. In the "Choose how you'd like to sell your item" section, select "Donate percentage of sale"
  3. Select Lucky Dog Animal Rescue as the nonprofit to benefit from your sale.
  4. Choose the percentage of the final sale price to donate if your item sells, from 10% to 100%, with a minimum donation of at least $1.  (If you have never sold on eBay Giving Works before, you will need to review and accept the eBay Giving Works Terms & Conditions.)
  5. Complete and submit your listing - you're now an official fundraiser for Lucky Dog Animal Rescue!